The important work we do as an organization is guided by our outstanding Board of Directors, composed of both seasoned professionals and students. We appreciate the students who serve on our board and the insight they bring to our board meetings and decision making process. Their perspectives help us better serve our clients and communities.

Thank you JJ Desrosiers, Student Board Member, for your service! Mr. Desrosiers served from January 2022 – June 2023 while attending Fort Lewis College. Prior to his departure, we asked JJ a few questions:

What was the highlight of your time with the First Southwest Community Fund?
It actually wasn’t with the board at all. But it was when the manager of a different internship I was working came in with a copy of the annual impact report and said, “Hey have you seen what this bank and its partner nonprofit have been doing? We should start to park more of our funds with them.” He didn’t even know I was on the FSWCF board, so I knew it was genuine and that our work was making a difference.

How did serving as FSWCF Student Board Member impact your career path?
The best thing about serving on a board as a young professional is that it demystifies the whole concept of a board of directors and corporate leadership. I realized they are people just like me and do not expect me (or anyone) to be perfect. It also instilled in me a love for non-profit work, which I am sure will continue.

What is next for you?
Thanks to the contacts I made during my time at FSWCF and elsewhere, I have started a job as a program manager at the La Plata Economic Development Alliance. It is also a non-profit, and the work is not dissimilar to what I did at FSWCF. My time serving on a board has been a real asset as I begin to report to a board for the first time. I am very excited. I am excited about what the future holds.

If you are a student enrolled at Adams State University or Fort Lewis College we encourage you to apply for a position on our board. Being a Student Board Member is a great way to make your voice heard, network with professionals in our community, and gain valuable experience. It’s easy, just send your resume and cover letter to

The FSWCF board meets 10 times each year, nine meetings are virtual and our annual meeting is in person.