As Executive Director of First Southwest Community Fund, I’m happy to announce a new partnership that will build our state’s agricultural system in an equitable way and ensure that Colorado’s ag industry is strong and diverse for generations to come.

This year, the Colorado Department of Agriculture named First Southwest Bank (FSWB), our partner financial institution, the official lending partner for the inaugural Colorado Agricultural Future Loan Program. This financially-inclusive lending program offers financing to farmers and ranchers, and agriculturally-supportive businesses that transform, package, process, store or grade Colorado farm or ranch products.

In the words of Cesar Chavez,

“History will judge societies and governments — and their institutions — not by how big they are or how well they serve the rich and the powerful, but by how effectively they respond to the needs of the poor and the helpless.”

This revolutionary program will lead the change and be remembered as a catalyst for equity. 

Providing financing to beginning farmers and new operations that stimulate the farm-to-market infrastructure ensures a secure farming future. Loan funds can be used for most business purposes, including, but not limited to: operating expenses, the purchase of land and equipment, business improvements, worker wages, and conservation projects. Click here for examples of how loan funds might be used.

Loan Details:

  • 4% fixed interest rate (Annual Percentage Rate 4.17%)
  • Term notes of 1-20 years
  • 1.5% loan fee
  • Revolving lines of credit up to 5 years
  • Up to $750,000 (higher limits may be considered with prior approval)

For more information, and to apply, visit
Spanish speakers, please email or call Denise Martinez at 719.245.1781.

Azarel Madrigal, Executive Director

young couple kneeling in a field examining the soil near farm equipment