We’d like to thank our program director, Azarel Madrigal, for representing our values so clearly in her recent contribution to the “Capital in Action” portion of the Economic Development Council of Colorado’s (EDCC) Thought Leader Series on Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Shifts, Trends, + Unicorns.
The Economic Development Council of Colorado (EDCC) is a state-wide, non-profit organization dedicated to successful and responsible economic development. In 2020, the EDCC created a virtual thought leader series, to tackle some of the state’s most perplexing issues and to explore concepts, theories and analysis to help achieve consensus around these issues. As a supplement to the virtual series, they also produce a thought leadership paper that can be used to guide professionals across the state through conversations and actions at the local level.
We were excited to see Azarel participate in this particular session on Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Shifts, Trends, + Unicorns. Azarel was joined by Elizabeth Marsh, Executive Director, Southwest Colorado Accelerator Program for Entrepreneurs (SCAPE). They each discussed how they’ve seen the entrepreneurial ecosystems shift in recent years, and how our organizations are working with businesses and entrepreneurs to help foster growth and opportunity in the communities we serve.
“At First Southwest Community Fund, we see opportunities to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem through creating greater social inclusion in all that we do. We are working on translating our documentation and modifying our marketing to remove barriers that might have previously been intimidating or exclusive to the traditionally underserved populations. There is a lot of opportunity that is expected to be opened up through inclusive communication.”– Azarel Madrigal
Read the full paper/presentation here and access the video recording here.