pink truck

Loans Overview

Loans can be daunting, but are often a low-cost way to start or scale your business or non-profit without giving up ownership.

We work with our partners to provide affordable, accessible loans so you can get access to the capital you need.
Socially Disadvantaged Farmers & Ranchers Loan Fund
two farmers
Building a more diverse, equitable and inclusive future for Colorado Agriculture.

Rural Women-Led
Business Fund
Rural Women-Led Business
This fund gives access to funding and education for women entrepreneurs and small businesses in rural Colorado through loans, education, and technical assistance.

Intermediary Relending
Hammock in sun
This fund provides fixed rate loans to businesses in rural communities that create jobs.

Fortaleza Fund
Fortaleza Fund
This fund provides funding and education for immigrant entrepreneurs and small businesses in rural Colorado through loans, education, and technical assistance.

climber loan fund
This fund provides flexible working capital to existing and new businesses across rural Colorado to build back our rural economies.